
Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hi everyone,
Did everyone remember to set their clocks back an hour last night???
I did but a good friend called us this morning asking if we were going to church
this morning, thinking we should be on our way, I quickly informed her that she had
another hour to wait. She was very relieved since she thought we all would be late.

Even though it is not quite Halloween yet people are already starting their Christmas shopping.
I am not sure I am ready for Christmas yet. But here we go anyway. I have had several customers
ordering for Christmas already. Good for you all!!! All the stationery on my site has a pretty quick turn around. The cups on the other hand take a little bit longer. They take 10 business days to print and then shipping takes 3-5 business days. So if you are thinking about cups for Christmas gifts you do need to think about ordering early.
Cups make great gifts and hostess gifts. They come in sleeves of 25. You can order say 250 cups with your last name ie..The Butlers, then give them to all your relatives with the same last name. Great gift that gives to you also. Or order the HO! HO! HO! cups (or any other cleaver saying you like) and give them as teacher gifts or family gifts or co workers really everyone loves them.

OK to the etiquette part of the blog....
Since you really should be thinking about your Christmas cards or Holiday letters here is hopefully some usefull information.
Holiday cards and letters are offten used to share family news. Announcing an event as important as a birth is perfectly appropriate, as are breif notes or special thoughts to people whom you have not seen for a long time. Then there is the printed history of the past year-the holiday newsletter.
Holiday newsletters are fine in themselves, but many people really do not care if the baby now has 3 teeth or Johnny is the best player on his T-ball team. Knowing that enlcose newletters only in cards to those you think will be interested. The Emily Post Institute did a survey and found that 53% liked newsletters and 47% did not like newsletters.
The newsletter can keep those on your list up to date on your life, but only share news that is positive and not too personal. Keep your letter to one page or less and write a personal message that is one or two sentences in the card that accompanies the letter.
Hope this puts you in the mood to start thinking about your Christmas cards.